That is a biblical truth that encourages me daily and gives me generally good feelings. It is a major aspect of GOD, but it is easy to only focus on this aspect. We Love to be Loved. But what does GOD's Love mean? Our parents love us. Our friends love us. Our girlfriends love us. Our dogs love us.
But what is the difference between our parents, friends, etc. loving us and GOD Loving us?
To understand His Love and appreciate it fully, we must look further into GOD's character and just how magnificent He is. Watch the following video:
GOD is huge. His majesty can be seen throughout all of creation. His majesty goes even beyond the seemingly numberless amount of galaxies. Our GOD is the Α and the Ω of those uncountable galaxies. And even more than that, GOD has no Α or Ω. He is the One who WAS, IS, and IS TO COME. The universe is not even a speck in comparison to our Infinite GOD.
And we are not even a speck compared to the universe.
This got me thinking, who are we compared to GOD? By any form of human logic we are absolutely nothing next to GOD. But the crazy thing is that the GOD who we appear insignificant next to Loves you. Our Everlasting, Almighty, and Holy GOD knows you better than you know you and Loves you...
I do not know about you, but next to that i feel unworthy to worship Him. And for all intensive purposes i am unworthy. But GOD took care of that. As a sign of His Love, JESUS came to intercede for us. Jesus bridged the gap between us and our All Powerful GOD. GOD became an insignificant speck for you and me.
GOD's Love boggles my mind and, for lack of a better word, humbles me. i am grateful for His Love.
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